I'm all by myself today. Day one of maternity leave week #3. Dave had to rejoin the daily grind and I miss him horribly. Last week was so nice - it's been a long time since we had that much time alone together (well, sort of). John doesn't demand a lot of attention outside of just being held, changed and fed right now, so I am counting it as alone time. I really needed that time with him, what with the holidays being right around the corner, a touch of the baby blues and Henry having some issues at school. At least I know exactly where he gets his tender heart.
Sometimes I don't think I'm ready for my baby to grow up and maybe that's why he seems a little more immature than he should be. He's having a hard time adjusting to sitting for a full day of kindergarten and not being the center of attention. His report card came last week and, aside from doing just fine on the three R's (in fact, he was chosen for the enrichment program and is starting to pull books off his shelves and reading them to us), he is lacking in the life skills categories - he's overly wiggly and is disruptive in his efforts to be funny and get attention. Dave spoke to his teacher and, apparently, she's been working with the social worker to figure out ways to help him out but I'm not sure why this was the first we'd heard of it. They are getting him a Disc-O Sit for his chair and circle time and I am now having to trust that they know what they are doing and not setting him up to get picked on - especially since he was called "stupid" and got punched in the stomach by a couple kids from his class last Friday. I called my mom and balled my eyes out. I wondered aloud if it would be appropriate to teach him to say, "I'm the one in the enrichment program - you're not so fuck off." Or maybe, the next time I see one of the mothers (the one who comes to the elementary school with her bra purposely hanging out of her tops - yes, on more than one occasion), I might mention that if her kid lays another hand on mine, I'll have his ass kicked out of that school so fast her head would spin. The last thing I need is for stupid kids with bad parenting making his frustration with the first (and most fun) year worse. We put him in the all day class so he would get art and music thrown into his curriculum and have more opportunities for reading and writing. I know he loves his music class and he's been having fun playing floor hockey in phy-ed. I hope his teachers know what they are doing...
Candi, Starting all day Kindergarden can be tough. The teachers at Jack's school say things are rough until after Christmas time. After that, the kids get used to the routine. I found that to be true for all 3 boys. Jack cried after he got home from school because he was so tired, he still falls asleep on the bus sometimes. The teachers usually do know how to do their job, but stay involved and ask the teacher questions. Did the kid that hit Henry get into trouble, how can you help Henry, does the teacher have any suggestions? Maybe you or Dave could be classroom helpers once in a while? Just some ideas, maybe they'll help. Great pic of both boys, very sweet.