Friday, January 16, 2009

Struggling in the deep freeze

It's still incredibly cold out.  If I were to do it again (and believe me, I'm not), I'd definitely plan a pregnancy to end in the spring or summer.  At least with Henry, we could go outside for a walk and I didn't have to bundle the poor kid up like Randy from A Christmas Story to run to Target.  The one good thing is that Willie the Dog doesn't mess around outside - he's perfectly fine with not barking at the neighbor dogs or giving me that challenging look that says, "I don't give a shit that you have to go somewhere or go to bed - there's a squirrel in this here tree and I need to keep an eye on it for the next hour or so just in case it accidently falls off the branch.  Come on - it could happen!" 

I've been perusing the website of a local Shambala meditation center this morning.  I've been looking at this place for some time now, wondering if I have the time.  I think I need to just make the time.  I used to go to a different place occasionally and I really liked the practice and the environment, but it was a little too far away and there is another person that attends that, due to my business relationship with them, makes it a bit uncomfortable for both of us to be there at the same time.  This other center has a monthly kids meeting that incorporates a little meditation, stories, art and music.  I think Henry would benefit from learning to sit quietly for a few minutes and I know he would dig the rest of it, as well.  I need to learn to relax and quiet my mind, especially with all that is going on in my life right now - the stress of my job, the school issues with Henry, being an overly tired mother of an infant, etc...

We've been working with the school on The Boy's behavior and have initiated the process for having him evaluated for ADHD with his doc.  I'm not convinced he has it, but there definitely are issues we need to deal with.  I worry so much about him and his future.  It hurts to see my little guy so sad about himself and his ability to follow the rules at school.  He's so bright and does well academically, but he struggles with just being able to settle into the routines, especially when he's bored.  Maybe this isn't the right school for him.  Maybe he needs to be somewhere where the classes are smaller and his mind is kept busy.  My guess is that would involve tuition...

Johnny and I are off to have lunch with the Aunties today.  I'm hoping one of them doesn't go off about how immature her daughter is.  The daughter that graduated from college in 3 1/2 years, is going into the Peace Corps and is just getting back from building a school for AIDS orphans in Uganda.  How horrible for her to have to deal with such a child.  Considering I'm fearing my son will be held back from 1st grade, I may not be able to listen to it without putting in my two cents.  Man, it would feel good, though.    

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